Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Valentine's Day Everyday

Ah Valentine's Day! The day of LOVE. A day to show appreciation for that special someone in your life, or so the greeting card companies say. We, as emotional human beings, tend to put great value on this day-waiting, sometimes in vain, for that box of chocolate or that bunch of roses or the tender verse from the object of our desire. But, I say, look around! Love is all about you everyday, not just on Valentine's Day and it doesn't always have to be about you. Don't wait for someone to throw you a line of love, cast out yours first! Offer kind words, a smile, a chocolate, a flower, or a small trinket or even a wave! If love comes from the heart it will bestow an awesome vibe on the chosen ones, even if your chosen one is a stranger on the street. This year, my Valentine's Day gift to you is a beloved poem from my childhood:

Thanks plaisanter~!

What the Brownie Kept

A brownie found a feather white.
He gave it to an elf.
He could have put it in his cap
And kept it for himself.

A brownie found a pebble bright.
He gave it to a gnome.
He could have kept it for himself
To brighten up his home.

A brownie found a milkweed pod.
He gave it to a sprite.
He could have kept it for a bed
To nestle in at night.

A brownie found a pumpkin seed-
He found it in a ditch.
Instead of keeping it himself,
He gave it to a witch.

The brownie found some special thing
Almost every day,
But all he kept was just the joy
Of giving things away.

--Leland B Jacobs

Remember, everyday can be Valentine's Day if we treat each other with respect, care, love, compassion, and appreciation.

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