Friday, January 17, 2014

Winter Friends and Woes

The icy blast of frigid weather we experienced last week across the country was brutal on humans, pets and our feathered friends. Snow, ice and dangerous low temperatures made going outside treacherous for man and beast.

During this time of year when salt is used to melt ice and snow on sidewalks and driveways, our four legged friends can become ill ingesting these toxic chemicals by licking their paws after coming in from a walk. Walking on treated sidewalks can also lead to chemical burns on paws. To prevent your dog from ingesting these salts, keep a shallow bowl of warm water and a cloth near the entry way of your home so that you can dip their paws in the warm water then dry them off before coming back in the house. It's a good idea to wipe the salt off your boots also so as not to track the salt in on your floors. Larger dogs with a smooth coats and especially the smaller dogs will need a little help keeping warm so a nice dog sweater will not only make a fashion statement, but will keep them warm for a nice winter walk. The doggie boots are another's hilarious to watch them learn to walk in doggie boots. Some never do accept wearing these monstrosities!

Thanks musespeak!

Don't forget our feathered friends who give us so much joy watching them eat at the bird feeder. Keep the feeders well stocked with bird seed even on warmer wintry days. Birds burn a lot of calories in cold weather and really need our help during winter time. Feeding birds is a great way to brighten up a dreary winter day; from the colorful red cardinals, bluejays, and red-headed woodpeckers to the cute little chickadees. It's a never-ending source of free entertainment watching the birds gather around the feeder. 

Thanks jeffreyw!

Sitting at my kitchen table, looking outside with a cup of my favorite hot tea in hand and my corgi sleeping by my feet, brings a peaceful smile to my face. I love watching the colorful array of birds around my feeders, what could be better on a cold winter day? Maybe winter isn't so bad after all.

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