Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Gnosis Chocolate at Terressentials

There is a certain member of my family who is a chocolate snob. He likes high quality chocolate, the darker the better. I love giving him chocolate for the holidays to watch that sly smile curl the corners of his mouth as I receive a slight nod of approval. He always breaks into the bar immediately, lifts his glasses, carefully examines the bar and savors a tiny bite, storing the rest for later. While creamy, smooth Swiss chocolate is always well-received, I want to give him something more adventurous this year. I know just the thing!

Gnosis Chocolate at Terressentials is a different kind of chocolate experience. Made with raw organic cacao and organic coconut sugar (which has a low glycemic index) this chocolate is truly nourishing. It gets better... Gnosis Chocolate is made with creative combinations of healing herbs and spices. Let thy dessert be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy dessert!

Now it's a matter of deciding what combination to get him... should it be the sweet and fruity Superchoc? Loaded with goji berries and raspberries, herbs like maca root, ginseng and burdock, this chocolate bar is meant to support a vital body and mind. Or what about Immunity? Pumped full of organic warm chai spices and immune-boosting herbs, a bite from this bar each day keeps the doctor away! Perhaps a perfect choice to keep the body resilient during the cold winter months. Hmm... I think I need to nibble on some Cool Mint to decide. With refreshing organic herbs like ginko biloba, gotu kola, lion's mane and peppermint essential oils this chocolate is certain to aid cognitive function and memory (he sure needs that!) I should probably just try a bit more of each one to be certain before making a decision...

Stop by Terressentials, pick up a Gnosis Chocolate bar (or two), and treat your loved ones this holiday season to something deliciously decadent, functionally-flavored and uplifting for body and spirit. Plus, in my case... he always shares!

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