Since working for Terressentials, I
have at my disposal many beautiful and amazing and truly fabuloso
body care products (my all time favorite still remains the Flower
Therapy Replenishing Cream) and all of the eye-catching and exquisite
fair trade, fair made array of gifts and wearable art found at our
downtown Frederick store.
My confession is.... that although our
Hair Wash is truly wonderful, when I use it I have incredible static,
still after using it for years now.
I have been washing my hair with our
body wash and following with an apple cider vinegar rinse. I don't
have a problem with static using the body wash. And my hair looks and
smells great! That is my confession....the static problem with our
hair wash still after so many years.
After getting home from a recent trip
to Texas to visit my dear sister, I realized that I had left my comb
at her house! It was this big, plastic, nylon, lime green thing that
I've had as long as I can remember. There have been many times,
looking at it, that I would wish I would lose it! But it stuck
around. Always easy to find in the bathroom drawer.
Now there I am with wet long hair and
no comb! I tried “brushing” out my wet hair but felt the constant
tug from the bristles of the brush must be hard on my hair not to
mention very annoying to me!
While at work one day, I remembered the
beautiful hand made wooden combs crafted from local sustainably
harvested cherry wood in Pennsylvania (my home state). Cherry wood is
a hard wood that is strong enough to untangle stubborn knots.
Like a lot of things in life, I never
really paid attention to the combs in the store, can
a wooden comb possibly get through my hair? And, like a lot of times
in my life, I was wrong. It goes though my hair just fine! And it's
beautiful too! I don't know about you but I feel better using
handmade and of the earth real things.
So... I have the comb, it works, I
love it and hope to never lose it. The question is, will using a
wooden comb really help with my static problem? The answer.....A
resounding YES! I was skeptical, I admit, but I used our hair wash
and for the first time ever, I had no static all day long!
Like drinking water from a beautiful
glass makes it taste better, using products that are of and from the
earth make life much better. It's about the connection.
Terressentials strives to bring that connection of earth and beauty
to you, you just have to choose it.
I know combs aren't a very exciting
purchase but it's something we use everyday so why not have a
beautiful one. Come see what Terressentials has to offer!
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